It's a beautiful noise
And it's a sound that I love
And it makes me feel good
Neil Diamond
It’s fair to say that we need to
deepen the critical thinking skills of our students. It’s also important that
we shift to conceptual understanding and away from understanding by an
algorithm or rule. Both of these shifts will require more student “talk” time.
As an offshoot of the advances in technology, it’s been suggested that kids
today communicate more. While that may be true, I think it’s equally true to
claim they actually talk less (see the recent cartoon below). They can spend an hour with a peer the previous
night on their devices, but barely muster a hello the next day at school when
they pass each other in the hallway.
Asking students to explain their
solutions (not just the why but also the how) may be foreign to some. They
might be used to simply providing a response as a regurgitation of a fact or a
basic manipulation of information – a level 1 or 2 response on Webb’s depth of
knowledge. Critical thinking will require levels 3 and 4 on Webb’s or the
higher levels of Bloom’s taxonomy. Ultimately this will mean less teacher talk
time (think of five minutes as your maximum before turning it over to your
students) and more collaboration between students. It will mean more of the
“beautiful noise” that is evidenced in classrooms where students are highly
engaged and deeply involved in their learning. Educators know the difference
between disruptive, non-productive noise and this beautiful noise. I know I’m
enjoying the visits to the learning environments where there is that highly
productive hum. It really is a sound that I love.